Bộ câu hỏi luyện thi rung chuông vàng - Môn Tiếng Anh có đáp án
Tổng hợp câu hỏi luyện thi rung chuông vàng môn Tiếng Anh
hoatieu.vn xin gửi tới bạn đọc bài Tổng hợp câu hỏi luyện thi rung chuông vàng môn Tiếng Anh để bạn đọc cùng tham khảo và có thêm tài liệu ôn thi cho cuộc thi rung chuông vàng. Mời bạn đọc cùng tham khảo chi tiết tại đây.
Bộ câu hỏi luyện thi rung chuông vàng - Hiểu biết xã hội có đáp án
Bộ câu hỏi luyện thi rung chuông vàng - Môn Sinh học có đáp án
Bộ câu hỏi luyện thi rung chuông vàng - Môn Lịch sử có đáp án
Môn Tiếng Anh
Câu 1 What is this in English?
a. It is a plant, especially a small tree
b. It is grown in a pot and is prevented from reaching its normal size
c. It is also the name of the art of growing plants or tree by this method, originally developed in Japan Bonsai
Câu 2 Khi chup anh, nguoi Anh thuong noi tu gi? “Cheese!”
Câu 3 What is this word in English?
a. Its adjective appears in the name of an album "... star" of Mel C, a member of girlband "Spice Girls."
b. The direction to one’s left when one is facing the rising sun
c. There are 2 main parts in our country: the ... and the South North
Câu 4 What did Laszio Josef Biro with his brother George invent? Ball point pen, tức bút bi
Câu 5 After years of war, the nation would want to make[...]with the enemies.
a. piece b. peace c. pace d.. pair Đáp án: b. peace
Câu 6 What is this in English?
a. It is a small, hard, shiny white or bluish-grey ball.
b. It forms inside the shells of certain oysters. Pearl
Câu 7 Find the shape with different number of sides: Square, Rectangle, Heptagon, Rhombus? Heptagon
Câu 8 What kind of metal is this?
a. One of the four “noble metals”
b. Can only be dissolved by a solution called “royal water,” which consists of HNO3 and HCl. Gold
Câu 9 Square root of 289? 17
Câu 10 What is this in English?
a. It is a very famous statue.
b. It was a gift of friendship from France to the USA. Statue of Liberty
Câu 11 Of the following, which country do not use chopsticks? Korea, India, China, Japan, Vietnam? India
Câu 12 Milk is to glass as letter is to what? Envelope
Câu 13 What is this in English?
a. It is a series of stage by which a person may advance in her or his career.
b. It is a structure for climbing up and down something
c. It is consisting of 2 upright lengths of wood, metal or rope joined to each other by short pieces of wood, used as steps.
Câu 14 Of the following phrase, which is not related to Turkey? 99% of the population is Hindu, Ankara, Ottoman, Troy.
Câu 15 Which legendary bird rises from its own ashes? Phoenix
Câu 16 What day of week is this?
a. Its name comes from the Roman god of Agricultur Saturday
Câu 17 An authority....................
a. decides cases in the law b. repairs c. has power to make decisions d. writes novel Đáp án là C
Câu 18 What does it mean by "V.E. Day"? Victory in Europe Day
Câu 19 Choose word of the first syllable stressed
a. cycle b.. create c. device d. effective Đáp án: A
Câu 20 What he told me was a.....of lies.
a. pack b. load c. mob d.. flock Đáp án: A
Câu 21 Last Sunday, Bob decided to call it a day? means
a. Bob gave the previous Sunday a name b. Bob stopped working to relax
c. Bob was absent from work that day d. Bob played truant that day Đáp án: B
Câu 22 What does the idiom “Rain cats and dogs” mean? rain heavily
Câu 23 What is the number of one half of one quarter of one tenth of 400? 5
Câu 24 What is this in English?
a. Most university have it.
b. It is provided for students without housing. Dormitory / Hostel
Câu 25 “If you feel "like a fish out of water", that means: You are in the wrong place
Câu 26 RADAR là viết tắt của cụm từ nào? Radio Detection And Ranging
Câu 27 What is a clear colourless precious stone of pure CARBON?
Câu 28 A book with spaces for each day of the year in which you can write down things you have done.. What do you call this? Diary
Câu 29 If only 10% of 500 people win the game, 12% with the results are draws, haw many of them lose the game? 390.
Câu 30 What are these letters?
a. It’s the Internet domain name of Slovenia.
b. They stand for a system consists of second, metre, kg, ampere…
c. These letters are chemical formula of an element, often combines with oxygen in quartz . SI.
Câu 31 Find the odd one out?
a. athletic-track b. football-pitch c. swimming-pool d. tennis-yard Đáp án: D
Câu 32 What is it?
a. It is a tiny basic building block of matter.
b. All the materials on Earth are composed of various combinations of them .
c. They are the smallest particles of a chemical element that still exhibit all the chemical properties unique to that element. Atom
Câu 33 Fat people should....................the temptation to eat a lot of sweet things.
a. disobey b. resist c. deny d. refuse Đáp án: B
Câu 34 What is this?
a. There has never been two of this that look exactly alike.
b. Formed by the turning of water vapor directly into ice. snowflake
Câu 35 Đây là cái gì (trả lời bằng Tiếng Anh)?
a. Thoạt đầu là nơi họp chợ, tụ tập của cộng đồng La Mã.
b. Thời phồn vinh nó trở thành quảng trường với nhiều công trình công cộng bao quanh.
c. Ngày nay nó mang 1 nghĩa khác, là nơi mà chúng ta phải vào đó thì mới biết được tình hình của cuộc thi dovuionline. forum
Câu 36 Who is the English playwright and poet, recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists? William Shakespeare
Câu 37 Energy released during the spitting or fusing of atomic nuclei? Nuclear Energy
Câu 38 In folklore, a corpse that rises from the grave during the night, often in the form of a bat, and, for nourishment, sucks the blood of sleeping humans? Vampire
Câu 39 What is the name of a computer- based worldwide information network? Internet
Câu 40 British rock music group that lead the so-called “British Invasion” in 1960? The Beatles
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Bộ câu hỏi luyện thi rung chuông vàng - Môn Tiếng Anh có đáp án
71,4 KB 25/10/2021 5:26:09 CHBộ câu hỏi luyện thi rung chuông vàng - Môn Tiếng Anh có đáp án (tệp PDF)
36,5 KB 28/02/2018 11:05:11 SA
Theo Nghị định 147/2024/ND-CP, bạn cần xác thực tài khoản trước khi sử dụng tính năng này. Chúng tôi sẽ gửi mã xác thực qua SMS hoặc Zalo tới số điện thoại mà bạn nhập dưới đây:

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Xây dựng - Nhà đất
Văn hóa - Du lịch - Thể thao
Bộ đội - Quốc phòng - Thương binh
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