(Unit 1-10) Bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh 7 i Learn Smart World có đáp án

Bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh 7 i Learn Smart World

Bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh 7 i Learn Smart World được Hoatieu chia sẻ đến các em học sinh trong bài viết này là file word bài tập bổ trợ môn tiếng Anh lớp 7 i Learn Smart World được chia theo từng Unit có kèm file từ vựng và đáp án sẽ giúp các em cải thiện kiến thức môn tiếng anh tốt nhất. Sau đây là nội dung chi tiết file bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh 7 i Learn Smart World cả năm mời các em cùng tham khảo và tải về sử dụng.

Bài tập bổ trợ Anh 7 i Learn Smart World Unit 1



I. Underline the words having the /eɪ/ sound.

1. He loves to play table tennis.

2. You may use cash at all places.

3. I stayed up late to finish my paper.

4. We’ll go skating if the lake has frozen over.

5. She made the icing while the cake was baking.

II. Which sentences have rising intonation at the end? Write Yes or No.

1. Is it safe to swim here? _______

2. He’s good at caring for sick animals. _______

3. Do you have some free time? _______

4. Are you going by boat or by air? _______

5. When did she return home from the trip? _______


I. Match the words to make phrases.

1. collect


a. vlogs

2. build


b. mobile games

3. bake


c. comics

4. make


d. models

5. read


e. soccer stickers

6. play


f. cakes

II. Complete the sentences using the words in the frame.

sports center

bowling alley


ice rink

water park


1. You need to practice using ice skating shoes in a(n) _________.

2. Eating popcorn in a(n) _________ is almost just as exciting as watching the actual movie.

3. This _________ is the site for basketball, volleyball, and badminton.

4. Barcelona International Comics _________ is an annual meeting of authors, publishers and comic readers.

5. A swimming pool, water slides and aquatic games simply await you at this _________.

6. With this game application, you can create your own bowling lane, and hit all the pins in the _________.

III. Unscramble the letters to make meaningful words.

Bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh 7 i Learn Smart World

IV. Name the activities in the pictures using the words in the frame.

Bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh 7 i Learn Smart World

V. Choose the correct option.

1. Keeping the body in shape is (difficult/easy), so he has quit it.

2. It’s (boring/exciting) and we can’t wait to watch this football match.

3. I’m (scared/fearless) because I cannot touch the bottom of the pool.

4. On vacation the young enjoy (extreme/common) sports like windsurfing and snowboarding.

5. It is not (dangerous/safe) to climb random mountains without being aware of potential dangers.

6. (Indoor/Outdoor) activity refers to recreation done outside, most commonly in natural settings.


I. Complete the sentences in the present simple.

1. My mum ____________ (go) to the market every morning.

2. She sometimes ____________ (wear) a white shirt and blue jeans.

3. He usually ____________ (help) his parents with the housework.

4. Anna and Bella seldom ____________ (eat) sandwich.

5. I ____________ (not watch) TV in the morning.

6. She ____________ (have) breakfast at around 6.45.

7. My father ____________ (not drink) alcohol.

8. He ____________ (ride) his bike to school every day.

9. _________________ (Bob and Jack, collect) coins?

10. The children sometimes ____________ (go) to the park.

II. Complete the sentences in the present continuous.

1. I ____________ (see) doctor Henderson this afternoon.

2. We ____________ (not go) on holiday next summer.

3. Ms. Susan ____________ (come) to my party on Friday evening.

4. ____________ (you, do) anything tonight?

5. They ____________ (get) married in June.

6. My brother ____________ (stay) at home tonight.

7. She ____________ (not meet) her friends tomorrow.

8. He ____________ (not take) the bus to school next week.

9. The school ____________ (hire) a new teacher from the Philippines this semester.

10. Michael and Sue ____________ (leave) tomorrow morning.

III. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

1. Next Monday she ____________ beefsteak for dinner.

A. is making B. makes C. make D. are making

2. She ____________ to speak in front of a crowd.

A. not like B. like C. don’t like D. doesn’t like

3. On this Saturday they ____________ the house.

A. doesn’t clean B. clean C. are cleaning D. isn’t cleaning

4. She ____________ to Rome with her parents next week.

A. travelling B. is travelling C. are travelling D. travels

5. ____________ it very hot in summer? - Yes, it ____________

A. Is - is B. Is - isn’t C. Does - does D. Are - are

6. Paula ____________ her dog every day.

A. is walking B. walks C. isn’t walking D. walk

7. I ____________ anything this afternoon.

A. doesn’t do B. do C. am not doing D. don’t do

8. Joe ____________ tennis with his friend next Sunday.

A. play B. plays C. are playing D. is playing

9. Freddy ____________ to the church every Sunday.

A. go B. goes C. is going D. isn’t going

10. What time ____________ to London tomorrow?

A. do you fly B. you are flying C. are you flying D. you fly

IV. Choose the correct option.

1. He’s standing (under/in front of) the door.

2. The clock (on/in) the wall is a little fast.

3. Jacob is sitting (opposite/at) Tommy.

4. Spain is (in/next to) Portugal.

5. There is a sea (between/behind) Japan and South Korea.

6. A river flows (on/under) a bridge.

7. When the teacher writes on the whiteboard, the students are (in front of/behind) her.

8. Her house is (under/opposite) his house.

9. Guards stand (between/next to) the entrance of the hall.

10. My mother is (in/at) the living room now.


Đáp án




1. He loves to play table tennis.

2. You may use cash at all places.

3. I stayed up late to finish my paper.

4. We’ll go skating if the lake has frozen over.

5. She made the icing while the cake was baking.


1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. No



1. e
2. d
3. f
4. a
5. c
6. b


1. ice rink
2. theater
3. sports center
4. Fair
5. water park
6. bowling alley


1. skateboarding 2. rock climbing
3. zorbing
4. mountain biking 5. windsurfing
6. horse riding


1. run a race
2. go on the rides
3. watch TV
4. play football
5. buy food
6. ice skate


1. difficult
2. exciting
3. scared
4. extreme
5. safe
6. Outdoor


Bài tập bổ trợ Anh 7 i Learn Smart World Unit 2

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Bài tập bổ trợ Anh 7 i Learn Smart World Unit 3

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