Mẫu phân phối chương trình môn Tiếng Anh sách Chân trời sáng tạo

Bộ SGK với thông điệp Chân trời sáng tạo được biên soạn dựa trên các tiêu chí và quy định của SGK mới. Sau đây là Mẫu phân phối chương trình môn Tiếng Anh sách Chân trời sáng tạo, mời các thầy cô tham khảo.

Mẫu kế hoạch giảng dạy Tiếng anh sách Chân trời sáng tạo

Bộ sách Chân trời sáng tạo hàm ẩn ý nghĩa về sự rộng mở của một thế giới tri thức, sự vô hạn của kiến thức khoa học và công nghệ, sự bao la của thế giới nghệ thuật và hướng đến những giá trị tinh thần tốt đẹp của nhân loại. Bộ sách không chỉ là nơi chuyển tải tri thức mà còn gợi mở, truyền cảm hứng để các em HS tìm tòi, khám phá, sáng tạo và chinh phục… Chân trời sáng tạo giúp các em HS định hướng tư duy; tự khám phá và phát triển mọi tiềm năng của bản thân.

Bộ sách không chỉ giúp người học dễ dàng vận dụng kiến thức, kĩ năng vào thực tiễn cuộc sống; giải quyết một cách linh hoạt, hài hoà các vấn đề giữa cá nhân và cộng đồng; nhận biết các giá trị bản thân và năng lực nghề nghiệp mà còn nuôi dưỡng lòng tự hào, tình yêu tha thiết với quê hương đất nước, mong muốn được góp sức xây dựng non sông này tươi đẹp hơn.

Mời các bạn tham khảo các bài khác trong mục Tài liệu.

1 Lesson 1
- To introduce the book characters and common
- To practice the character names and common
greetings in the context of a chant.
names: Rosy, Tim, Billy.
Greetings: hello, goodbye .
Cut and Make
2 Lesson 2
- To greet people.
- To ask the question What's your name?
- To sing a song.
- To understand simple classroom instructions.
Classroom language: listen
to your teacher, stand up, sit
down, raise your hand, line
What's your name?
I'm Rosy.
Listen to the
3 Lesson 3
- To recognize and trace the uppercase and
lowercase forms of the letter a and associate
them with the sound /æ /.
- To pronounce the sound /æ / on its own and at
the beginning of words.
- To be familiar with the letter name for a .
Aa apple, Annie Sounds and Letters
4 Lesson 4
- To recognize and say the numbers 1 and 2.
- To introduce the concept of counting and
Numbers 1, 2 one, two Numbers
5 Lesson 5
- To recognize and trace the uppercase and
lowercase forms of the letter b and associate
them with the sound /b /.
- To pronounce the sound /b /.
- To be familiar with the letter name for b .
Bb boy, bat Sounds and Letters
6 Lesson 6
- To understand a short story.
- To review and consolidate language introduced
in the unit.
Greeting people Values
7 Countries and Flags
- To recognize six national flags, and talk about
their colors.
- To learn six names of countries, and say where
you are from.
Countries and Flags: Viet
Nam, Canada, Australia,
Japan, the U.K., Cambodia
(Ôn tập)
- To review and consolidate language introduced
in the unit.
- To do Unit Test.
Starter Unit Test
9 Lesson 1
- To identify five colors.
- To use the color words in the context of a chant.
Colors: red, green, blue,
black, yellow .
Chủ đề
Từ vựng
Ngữ pháp
Âm và Chữ cái
Sound and Letters
Bài học đạo đức
Mục tiêu bài học
Learning Targets
Tài liệu đính kèm
Printable Resources
Family and Friends National Edition
2 tiết/ tuần
Thời lượng: 35 tuần x 2 tiết/tuần = 70 tiết/năm học
trang 4
Unit 1
What color is it?
trang 10
10 Lesson 2
- To ask and answer What color is it?, It’s (green) .
- To sing a song.
What color is it?
It's green.
11 Lesson 3
- To recognize the upper- and lowercase forms of
the letter c and associate them with the sound
/k /.
- To pronounce the sound /k / on its own and at
the beginning of words.
- To be familiar with the name of the letter c .
Cc cat, car Sounds And Letters
12 Lesson 4
- To recognize and say the numbers 3 and 4.
- To use the numbers 3 and 4 in the context of a
Numbers 3, 4 three, four Numbers
13 Lesson 5
- To recognize the upper- and lowercase forms of
the letter d and associate them with the sound
/d /.
- To pronounce the sound /d / on its own and at
the beginning of words.
- To be familiar with the name of the letter d .
Dd dog, duck Sounds And Letters
14 Lesson 6
- To understand a short story.
- To review and consolidate language introduced
in the unit.
Be clean and tidy Values
15 Unit 1 Culture
- To learn words associated with birthdays.
- To learn how birthdays are celebrated in
- To make a card.
Birthdays in Canada: cake,
candle, gift, party, happy
(Ôn tập)
- To review and consolidate language introduced
in the unit.
- To do Unit Test.
Unit 1 Test
17 Lesson 1
- To learn five school words.
- To use the school words in the context of a
School things: desk, chair,
crayon, pencil, notebook.
18 Lesson 2
- To ask and answer What’s this? It’s a
(notebook) .
- To sing a song.
What's this?
It's a notebook.
19 Lesson 3
- To recognize the upper- and lowercase forms of
the letter e and associate them with the sound
/e /.
- To pronounce the sound /e / on its own and at
the beginning of words.
- To be familiar with the name of the letter e .
Ee egg, elephant Numbers
20 Lesson 4
- To recognize and say the numbers 5 and 6 .
- To use the numbers 5 and 6 in the context of a
Numbers 5, 6 five, six
Unit 1
What color is it?
trang 10
Unit 2
What's this?
trang 16
21 Lesson 5
- To recognize the upper- and lowercase forms of
the letter f and associate them with the sound
/f /.
- To pronounce the sound /f / on its own and at
the beginning of words.
- To be familiar with the name of the letter f .
Ff fish, farm Sounds And Letters
22 Lesson 6
- To understand a short story.
- To review and consolidate language introduced
in the unit.
Play respectfully Values
23 Unit 2 Culture
- To learn words associated with dance.
- To talk about dance in Viet Nam.
- To make a fan.
Dance in Vietnam: dancer,
ao dai, fan, music
(Ôn tập)
- To review and consolidate language introduced
in the unit.
- To do Unit Test.
Unit 2 Test
25 Lesson 1
- To learn five toy words.
- To use the toy words in the context of a chant.
Toys: plane, puppet, robot,
balloon, teddy bear.
26 Lesson 2
- To ask and answer Is it a plane? Yes, it is. No, it
- To sing a song.
Is it a plane?
Yes, it is.
No, it isn't.
27 Lesson 3
- To recognize the letter g and associate them
with the sound /g /.
- To pronounce the sound /g/ on its own and at
the beginning of words.
- To be familiar with the name of the letter g .
Gg girl, guitar Numbers
28 Lesson 4
- To recognize and say the numbers 7 and 8.
- To use the numbers 7 and 8 in the context of a
Numbers 7, 8 seven, eight
29 Lesson 5
- To recognize the upper- and lowercase forms of
the letters h and i and associate them with the
sounds /h / and /ɪ /.
- To pronounce the sounds /h / and /ɪ / on their
own and at the beginning of words.
- To be familiar with the names of the letters h
and i .
Hh hat, horse
Ii insect ill
Sounds And Letters
30 Lesson 6
- To understand a short story.
- To review and consolidate language introduced
in the unit.
Be kind to others Values
31 Unit 3 Culture
- To learn words associated with soccer.
- To say what your favorite sport is.
Soccer in the U.K: ball, T-
shirt, kick, score a goal.
(Ôn tập)
- To review and consolidate language introduced
in the unit.
- To do Unit Test.
Unit 3 Test
Unit 2
What's this?
trang 16
Unit 3
Is it a plane?
trang 22
Đánh giá bài viết
1 2.219

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